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Nike Free Collection

Foot wear is undeniably one of the most taken for granted item of your fashion/ fitness arsenal. The amount of technology that goes into the latest and greatest footwear is crazy beyond belief. To boot, they look great. If you are going to fulfill that promise and get into better shape, then a vital piece of equipment will be your footwear. Do your home work, choose the right one and don’t cheat yourself.

Once you have the right one, then you have to choose the right color. Unfortunately, not everyone is going to think your choice is the right one. Really….. Who cares? Unless they are going to pay you by the hour for your work-out, the only opinion that matters is yours. So, choose the lime green one or the orange one. If it puts a pep in your step, that is all that counts. Just remember, munching on an ice cream cone and running don’t mix. Unless, you are at a photo shoot. Hmm, sounds like a photo shoot plan……